What is our Outreach Minitry?
Our Outreach ministry is based on the Biblical principles of seeking the lost and being the hands and feet of Christ to the World around us. (Luke 19:10, Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 4:12) The World needs to see who Christ is and why He came to earth to die for them.
Our Outreach ministry is a Church wide ministry and is part of the daily and weekly functions of the Church body. We believe that the majority of evangelism and the saving of souls come from the individual interactions and witness of each Church member and then the growth happens, aided by the church, not the other way around!
Our Outreach ministry is built upon the need to see souls saved and the call of Christ to His Church to reach those who are hopelessly lost. We, as a Church body, strive to reach the lost as salt and light of the world and to do it in grace! (Matthew 5:13-16, Colossians 4:6)